Monday, May 14, 2007


Archdeacon Christine Piper precided over the Deconsecration ceremony by reading a proclamation from Bishop Peter Coffin that revokes the August 17, 1923, ceremony that conferred sacred status on the building "to the honour and glory of God"
On March 29, the oldest church in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa closed it's doors after they had a Deconsecration ceremony at 10:30 am. The parish was founded in 1824 and was destroyed by fire in 1865. It was rebuilt in 1901 and is located on Place du Portage in the Hull section of Gatineau. In the past, the church was the hub of a flourishing religious community that counted Philemon Wright (founder of Wrightville which later became Hull) and business baron Nicholas Sparks among its parishioners. Lately with changing demographics the church had dwindled to only 8 parishioners. The diocese has plans to possibly sell the church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.